10 Strategies

Any one of these ADD/ADHD Strategies can positively impact the lives of anyone living with ADD/ADHD.

Start Small

Starting small and experiencing success is vital.  Every inch of your accomplishments becomes an inch of actual emotional growth.  You’re building mental muscles by doing “reps” just like a bodybuilder develops washboard abs.

Start Easy

A parent can demonstrate to a child how putting the dirty clothes in the hamper is the first step to having a clean room.  Or an adult can gather the monthly bills and have the necessary tools handy to pay the bills.  Find your easy first step.

Create Your Space

To create a new habit, you must have a designated place for what you want to accomplish.  A writer surrounds him or herself with an area that is both inspirational and conducive to recapturing their inspiration.  It may have to be private.  In these cases, it’s okay to temporarily “banish” people, pets or cell phones to another room.  Having this space will develop your self awareness and help you appreciate the way good habits play in your success.  This is what we mean when we compliment someone on being a true professional.

Break it Up

Remember the schoolyard joke, “how do you eat an elephant?”  Answer: one bite at a time.  Move forward in small doable tasks.

Set a Due Date

Establish a specific date and time for the task to be over and done with.  Write it down.  Refer to it as needed.  This is why God made Post-It Notes.  Remember, be kind – don’t nag yourself.  Use your accountability calendar.

Keep The Goal Alive

Remember what you are aiming at.  What specifically are you trying to accomplish?  Whatever it is, it is one more facet of a shining gem that will reflect a more capable and confident you.


What? When? How are you doing it?  Sometimes an odd detail will flesh out your plan of action.  Maybe it’s picturing the steam rising from your soothing cup of tea that solidifies your next move.

Provide Accountability

Have a coach or a friend serve as an accountability partner to provide support and encouragement.  They will ask powerful questions and help you delineate ways to stay focused.  The right people respect your dreams and desires.  They will work to help you fulfill them.

Avoid Distractions

There are so many distractions that can steer you off course.  Pay attention to the negative influence of “harmless” social distractions such as surfing the net, chatting mindlessly on the phone, binge-watching TV, exploring every level of a new game or being lured away by non-stop party people.

Be Thoughtful

Once you’ve started and your brain is activated, stop and celebrate what you’ve accomplished.  If you fell like continuing with the task, then keep going.  If you stop, make sure you set the next date and time to continue working on the project.