A Collaborative Process Is Key to Raising an ADHD Child
We hear others describe our kids as stubborn, lazy, not motivated, lack interest, talks too much or spacey. We then go home and find ourselves dealing with homework, siblings, dinner, and bedtime and by the end of the day we see ourselves “losing it”. We scream, yell, cry, and shut down. We are desperate. We want our kids to do well, we love them and we know how funny, creative and determined they are. We want others to experience this in our child.
As a parent we need the strategies to help us collaborate with our kids. How is collaborating with our ADHD children different from how you’re doing it today? Collaborating with your child by learning how to gather information and gain an understanding of the kid’s concerns, define the problem and together brainstorm solutions.
When we collaborate vs control, you will bring Joy and Connection back between you and your child.
Use collaboration to:
• Reduce chaos and challenging behaviors
• Set realistic and effective rules and boundaries
• Help our kids capitalize on their strengths and increase self-esteem
• Teach our kids to manage frustration