Get Evaluated – ADHD or Not
You think you may have ADHD because you’re having challenges in different areas of your life. Some of the trouble you’re experiencing appears as:
- your inability to keep your attention for a long period of times
- you have difficulty getting started
- your relationship is affected by and lack of control over your emotions
- you just had a poor job performance evaluation
Or you think your child may have ADHD because they’re struggling at school with academics and/or behavior. Teachers are sending notes home describing behaviors such as impulsive and fidgeting in class (getting out of their seat, playing with papers, playing with the hair of a classmate). Or your child is pushing others, has difficulty waiting for his/her turn. On other occasions, your child forgot to do a project, turn in homework or your child is very quiet, will not take part in class, withdraws from others, and has only one friend.
Can it be ADHD or these symptoms caused by something other than ADHD?
Can ADHD be the only explanation of what you are going through?