Engage With Others Through Curiosity
What’s behind the painting, the picture or the person?
As the years go by and I coach children, adolescents, college students and adults, at times it is easy for me to jump to conclusions or assumptions on areas where I can see a clear answer before them.
Then, I remember that what inspires me to coach is the desire to be a partner in their journey of self-discovery.
I do that by maintaining an attitude of curiosity. Through curiosity we can learn the other person’s thoughts, motivation and reasoning.
What’s curiosity? Wikipedia defines: Curiosity as “careful, diligent, curious.” It is a quality related to inquisitive thinking such as exploration, investigation, and learning evident in observation of human and many animal species. A thirst for knowledge, curiosity is a major driving force behind scientific research and other disciplines of human study.
Curiosity is about open-mindedness. It’s the willingness to learn about someone else’s point of view, their story or their wants. It starts by asking the first question about the other person.
ASK – Gather Information or Knowledge
LISTEN – Purposely and Passionately
SUSPEND – No Judgment