What Derails You From Your Goals
Are You Conscious About What You’re Doing
Recently I’ve been very interested in reading and learning about “mindfulness“. How does understanding mindfulness help you reach your goals? I looked up the definition (just to make sure my first interpretation was correct), and one of the definitions is: “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations”. Is mindfulness about being conscious about what you are doing? Sounds simple, but it’s not. Is mindfulness knowing clearly when your emotions are either hot or cold, when you react without understanding or even thinking about our actions? Or could it mean being conscious of what you are doing?
People want to change. They want to improve their lives and set goals only to find life has taken over and detoured them from what they wanted.
I ask myself what happens and how can we follow through?
What Derails You From Reaching Your Goals
My answer: Keep the picture in your head. Be aware and conscious of what you “want”. This can be anything. Be a better parent, a musician, an entrepreneur or the best husband or wife you can be. You decide. And make that image very clear.
Now, the next steps are harder. How do I achieve that goal? What do I need? What does a good parent or partner look like? How do I start my own business? Are there obstacles that can derail me from my goals?